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Train a custom model


This example assumes you have:

  1. the package ldct-benchmark installed in editable mode
  2. the LDCT dataset downloaded to a folder path/to/ldct-data
  3. The environment variable LDCTBENCH_DATAFOLDER set to that folder

Please refer to Getting Started for instructions on how to do these steps.

Implement a custom method

To add a custom method to the benchmark suite we must follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder for the new method in ldctbench/methods. The folder must have the following files

    • Should implement a method add_args() that takes as input an argparse.ArgumentParser, adds custom arguments and returns it.
    • Should implement the model as class Model(torch.nn.Module).
    • Should imeplement a Trainer class. This class should be initialized with Trainer(args: argparse.Namespace, device: torch.device) and implement a fit() method that trains the network. A base class is provided in methods/
  2. Add the method to METHODS in ldctbench/utils/

Let's say we want to implement a method called simplecnn which is just a shallow 3-layer CNN. For this, the folder ldctbench/methods/simplecnn should contain the following files:

from argparse import ArgumentParser

def add_args(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser:
        "--n_hidden", type=int, help="Number of filters in the hidden layer of the CNN"
    return parser
from argparse import Namespace

import torch.nn as nn

class Model(nn.Module):
    """An simple network Conv -> ReLU -> Conv -> ReLU -> Conv"""

    def __init__(self, args: Namespace):
        super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(1, args.n_hidden, 3, padding=1),
            nn.Conv2d(args.n_hidden, args.n_hidden, 3, padding=1),
            nn.Conv2d(args.n_hidden, 1, 3, padding=1),

    def forward(self, x):
from argparse import Namespace

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from ldctbench.methods.base import BaseTrainer
from ldctbench.utils.training_utils import setup_optimizer

from .network import Model

class Trainer(BaseTrainer):
    """Trainer class for a simple CNN"""

    def __init__(self, args: Namespace, device: torch.device):
        """Init function

        args : Namespace
            Arguments to configure the trainer.
        device : torch.device
            Torch device to use for training.
        super().__init__(args, device)
        self.criterion = nn.MSELoss()
        self.model = Model(args).to(
        if isinstance(self.args.devices, list):
            self.model = nn.DataParallel(self.model, device_ids=self.args.devices)
        self.optimizer = setup_optimizer(args, self.model.parameters())
# An empty file

Additionally, we have to change METHODS in ldctbench/utils/ to include the new method:

    "simplecnn"  # <-- added here

Train a method

You can train the method using

ldctbench-train --arg1 val1 --arg2 val2
or, alternatively
ldctbench-train --config configs/<method>.yaml
if a .yaml file containing all necessary arguments to run the method is provided in configs/.

Let us now train the simplecnn method with the following config file that we place in configs/

optimizer: adam  # Which optimizer to use
adam_b1: 0.9  # Adam's beta1
adam_b2: 0.999  # Adam's beta2
cuda: true  # Use CUDA
data_norm: meanstd  # Data normalization
data_subset: 1.  # Fraction of the dataset to use (1.0 = all data)
devices: 0  # Which GPU to use
dryrun: true  # Do not sync results to wandb
eval_patchsize: 128  # Patchsize for evaluation
iterations_before_val: 1000  # Number of iterations before validation
lr: 0.0001  # Learning rate
max_iterations: 50000 # Maximum number of iterations 
mbs: 64 # Mini-batch size
num_workers: 8 # Number of workers for data loading
patchsize: 64  # Patchsize for training
seed: 1332  # Random seed
trainer: simplecnn  # Our new method
valsamples: 8  # Number of validation samples to log
n_hidden: 64  # Number of filters in the hidden layer of the CNN

Training the method is then done by running

ldctbench-train --config configs/simplecnn.yaml
and should take approximately 25 minutes on a single GPU. The training logs are stored to a folder ./wandb/offline-run-<timestamp>/files (relative to the folder from which ldctbench-train was called). Let's have a look at the plot of training and validation loss that we find in that folder:

Image title
Training and validation loss for the 'simplecnn' method